Thursday, October 15, 2009

Banned Books

I believe the banned books effect our country, because it offends people, since most of the banned books usually have racist or sexual content in the book. Yes, I have read some of the books in the banned book list, I don't really find any the books offensive usually the books are like discribing how it was back then with all the racistsim. i say it affects schools , you know because I believe it doesn't help us if the government bann books, since when we read something that involves racism, it probably might help us prevent us do it, since if we learn our past mistakes we learn how to fix them

Monday, October 5, 2009

Last meow questions pt2

1. Raved, ravishing, ermine coat, pale-green eyes. The author made this comparison to describe Lady as an animal that was once strong before , but like a queen becomes weak at the end of her life.

2. the specific gravity of a man who know exactly where to reach his. Shawn likes to work on old cars and 'transform' them into hot street rods. Similarily, Lady in her current state is just like an old car, and he attempts to get her back to her original healthy state.

3. Medical Terminology:
1. Throes of chronic renal failure
2. Toxins in her blood (blood poisioning/wastes)
3. Dialysis (kidney failure)
4. Blood Pressure (cholestoral rises)

Bilger uses all of these medical terminology to explain Lady's health state. He wants to depict and express and image to the readers concerning how much Lady's health has deterioated over the past year, and the situation that Shawn must now face.

Lady: The patient/child, or the one that needs care from others. Lady can also depict a human being that lacks health care.
Shawn Levering: Like the parent, overseer, or guardian, that cares enough to go through the many sacrifices to pay for his or her child.
Cathy Langston: The Doctor, the health benefactor. She has the power to determine whether her patient (Lady) will live or die.

The first three paragraphs depicts the many problems that lady and her owner face. It explores the sacrifices that many other pet owners have to make for the sake of their pet, out of love and care. It might additionally explore the poverty and other factors that prevent owners from fulfilling the health care that their pets might need.

1. In this article they give us a detailed account of specific owner's situation and his pet's health problems/condition. Unlike where as a newspaper will give you a general view of a problem that might affect a community as a whole.

Last Meow questions


. I believe that the sentence ending with "The ferrets are called Larry,Mo,and Curly" is stating that the 3 ferrets are the main choice for Lady, for a donor.

.I believe they place the parenthesis right, there because it's giving an example when the paragraph is talking about how owners don't take care of their pets.

.To show crazy people are about their pets.


.I believe he made sections because he talks about lots of things like about Lady and info about vets,donors, and about people suing each other for dead pets.

.The tone is like sympathetic

.It would give a general view of situation and the issues, in a textbook, it would taken out the info of lady's owner