Thursday, March 26, 2009

No Title

Bleh , I don't think I will be able to finish, I really need to stop being lazy, and get ahead of my self, or I will fall behind real far. Too many things have been going through my mind, but there all random thoughts, I don't know why, it just saddens me inside. I just keeping thinking about stupid thoughts that I should not worry about. I don't know why I just keep thinking steps of ahead of me but I plan them out well, but I never do it, like my friend once told me,"You never plan, you never do" I just really don't know , I'm so confused inside. I just hope everything will be better tomorrow or sooner now.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I keep forgeting to blog

Ya, I keep forgetting to blog like every week and now I end up doing it at the very last moment, my memory is great isn't it or I'm just lazy. I just think I'm just lazy har har but yah , maybe this will just be a note to my self to remember to blog early like monday lulz